Thursday, May 12, 2016

TARANTINO has been poached

                                 "The fans assert their own right to form interpretations,"                                  (Jenkins 2013, p.18) 
The video above has been created to show how similar these scenes are in comparison to each other. Jenkins mentioned in his book, textual poaching is what fans do, "justifying one's own pleasures," (Jenkins 2013, p.19) Just like Tarantino was poaching from other films as an inspiration, other films will also poach from him. With a large culture sharing the same interest, content will be inspired by one and other such as Breaking Bad (2008 - 2013) and Pulp Fiction (1994), it is very obvious that Breaking Bad was poaching Pulp Fiction because the scenes are very alike, the contents are very similar, props also look alike but not the exact same if we notice during the baseball bat scene in the above video although, the dialogue is not the exact same. 

"Participatory cultures of fandom transform the experience of media consumption into the                    production of new texts, indeed of a new culture and a new community"                              (Laughey 2007, p.178)
Using the quote above as an argument, once the fan has an idea of how they can recreate the text to belong to their own, the text that they create will lead to another culture and another community because just like Pulp Fiction have its own fans and community. The same can be said for Breaking Bad although in this case, content is nearly the same, it should be aimed at the same target audience, once this target audience watches the trailer and likes it, they may also become part of this community. This will then be classed as not only poaching content but also poaching culture. 

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